MONSTERs In action!


Welcome to our Monster Cake Sale Page!

October 2019: Again we had another great day at our Annual Monster Cake sale! Everyone used their imaginations to come up with some fantastic costumes! There was a great atmosphere around the school and everyone enjoyed themselves! There were also plenty of games and activities to partake in and lots of treats, books and toys to buy in the hall! Again this year, we managed to get our exercise in with our Monster Walk and we had some fun along the way too! Our Active school committee and Mr. Whelan put in lots of work to make this happen! Thank you to St. Raphael's for letting us use your grounds for the walk! Everyone had a great time exploring! 

A huge thank you to Ms O'Donnell Burke, the parents and all the teachers who helped out on the day! Without their work, none of this would be possible! Well done on a fantastic day! 

Here are some of the photos from this year! ... Class group photos will be on each classes page! 

Well done to our Best Dressed students from each class! 

The sixth Class girls and Ms Egan did a super job organising and running the corridor activities! Well done everyone! 

Some of our classes on the Monster Walk! We were very lucky the weather stayed dry!


Oct 2018: Everyone had a great time at our annual Monster Cake sale! Everyone was dressed up in their Halloween costumes! There were plenty of games and activities on the corridors andloads of cakes, sweets, treats and toys in the hall! We even got some exercise in when we went on our Monster Walk as part of our Active School flag! 

A huge thank you to Ms O' Donnell Burke , the parents and all of the teachers who helped out on the day! 

Here are some photos from the day!

Some monsters on our Monster Active School walk!

Ms O Donnell Burke giving out the prizes from the raffle!


Mrs Glynn's first class just about to go inside to the Cake Sale!